If you will be offering a cheese plate at your next dinner party alongside or instead of a dessert course, then it is important to set up the plate correctly for your guests' enjoyment and your peace of mind. You might think that selecting the correct kitchen knives for a cheese plate is a stuffy and overly formal activity, but it is actually essential to making sure that your party goes smoothly, and that stinky but expensive blue cheese doesn't go flying across the room!
Some people like to forego the rustic feel of hunks and wedges on a plate surrounded by crackers, choosing instead to slice or dice the cheeses before guests arrive and arrange the pieces, pierced with decorative toothpicks, on a tray for guests to nibble at.
We feel, however, that this misses the true appreciation of freshness and variety that a tasty cheese plate, complete with the correct kitchen knives for cutting and portioning, offers. It is also often easier for guests to cut their own pieces of Camembert or Blue when presented with the proper utensils.
So if you choose to present your cheese plate in the traditional method you will have to select the accompanying utensils carefully to satisfy both practical and aesthetic needs. Simple, elegant handles are preferred over chunky and overly decorative forms as these can be distracting and difficult to manipulate.
Choose kitchen knives that are sturdily built and provide for a clean, steady slicing motion. Remember also that you will require different utensils for soft and sticky cheeses as well as hard and tough cheeses.
Some people like to forego the rustic feel of hunks and wedges on a plate surrounded by crackers, choosing instead to slice or dice the cheeses before guests arrive and arrange the pieces, pierced with decorative toothpicks, on a tray for guests to nibble at.
We feel, however, that this misses the true appreciation of freshness and variety that a tasty cheese plate, complete with the correct kitchen knives for cutting and portioning, offers. It is also often easier for guests to cut their own pieces of Camembert or Blue when presented with the proper utensils.

Choose kitchen knives that are sturdily built and provide for a clean, steady slicing motion. Remember also that you will require different utensils for soft and sticky cheeses as well as hard and tough cheeses.
See also more and compare for best prices deals for Kitchen Knives here!