Monday, 25 June 2012

How to Choose Kitchen Equipment for a Restaurant

Have you ever wondered about what kind of cookware and appliances are are installed in professional cooking spaces? Surely the kitchen equipment used by the professionals has to be more reliable and higher performing, right? Well to help you out with your decisions we're giving you a sneak peek into how restaurants pick the winners out of the huge range of kitchen equipment available.

Chefs will often just choose appliances and other items from a brand with which they are familiar, and know to work well under pressure. This is a handy method because there is no need to allow any time for the cook to get used to the new kitchen equipment, instead they can just dive right in to start cooking up meals fit for a king.

If you don't have as much experience as a top chef and don't feel like you've yet found the most reliable type of kitchen equipment for you, your selection process will have to be a little more in depth. Start off by brainstorming all the different items you will need to buy to stock your cupboards, based on the type of cooking you do and the cookware you typically use, or would like to use more often.

From this stage, chefs and restaurant managers move on to researching the best brands and makes of the various kitchen equipment that needs to be sourced. Particular attention is given to appliances that are used on an almost constant basis, such as fridges and stove tops, as these are the items that will need to give the best performance under high pressure.

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