Tuesday, 27 March 2012

How chef’s Uniform Is Different from other Uniforms

Whenever it comes to chefs uniform, the first image forms of a milky white full sleeve coat. But is that the only thing that differentiates is from rest of the uniforms meant for other professions? Definitely not! Chef’s uniform is designed for specific purpose and hence bears feature that are very different from. 

Unlike other uniforms that have many different colors, these uniforms basically are white in color. This is due to the reason that a chef has to work in kitchen having extremely high temperature. At times, temperature goes unbearable, especially in summers. White color reflect heat and keep chefs regulate their body temperature.
Besides, these coats are designed with double breasts, which are folded at the front of the coat. This is useful when chefs get stains while cooking. They can unfold the double breast layer and hide the stains while visiting the guests. Double layers on the front also prevent heat reaching the body. 

The special characteristic of these coats is that their sleeves are up to quarter length only to make chef comfortable and hindrance-free while working in kitchen. Also, these are thick to prevent heat penetrate the outfit. Not only that, these outfits are made out of special material that doesn’t always get stained and even if it get stains it is easier to remove them in a single wash.
Although, the basic color of chef’s uniform is white, but today there are variety of shades available to choose from. You can find, off white, grey, fine checker design in black and white, etc.



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